Monday, January 24, 2011

Drywell and Meat Sections are FAMOUS!

OMG My art is in the newspaper!

Mildly anyways.

Yesterday, I had the surreal honor of being featured in the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle newspaper! (Under the appropriately named "Hot Stuff" column in the Home & Garden section)

A freelance writer contacted me out of the blue a couple weeks ago and interviewed me for about 40 minutes. (Apparently she found me via Thrillist. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE those guys??)

I'm forever indebted to her for including this quote of mine in the article: "I'm just kind of riding this meat train for a while." My law professors would be so proud...

Check out the whole article here on

P.S. LOVE this comment from the web edition of the article. "I just love the line, "San Francisco is for Carnivores" it'll give all the people outside of California a moment to scratch their heads to think that we are all vegan hippies." He totally gets it.